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Schlick, Arno
'Schlick, Arno'  photo
Photo courtesy of Arno
Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Sat Oct 2024
Born: Germany, Nuremberg, September 8th, 1970.
Studies: Biology (works on the antennal lobe olfactory system in the honey bee brain and the pharmakology of the perception of odours) and philosophy (ordinary language philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind) in Berlin and Potsdam.
Works: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin - investigations on arguments of possible risks in genetic engineering involving green plants, from 1995 to 1998.
TV-Journalism in 2001.
Published a book of poems mainly in german language (time span 1990 - 2001) in April, 2003.
From 2002 - 2007 different jobs in financial services and industry, always with partial focus on computing skills.
Now working as a teacher for Biology, Chemistry, Ethics and Computer sciences.

Breeding roses since 2001/2002.
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