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Verschuren (1931-, Theodor F.

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Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Verschuren Sr. (1844-1918), Hendrikus A. "Hens Sr."
Verschuren-Pechtold (1884-1946), Jacobus "Jac"
Verschuren Jr. (1885-1947), Hendrikus Antonie "Hens Jr." 
Verschuren (1891-1981), Andries "Dries"
Verschuren-Pechtold (1925-1981), Hendrikus A. M "Harry"
Verschuren (1931-20..) Theodor F. "Ted"

Verschuren (1931-, Theodor F. "Ted"  Son of "Jac" Verschuren.  (Ted was deceased in the "last decade")

[[From The Complete Book of Roses by Gerd Krüssmann, 1981, p. 162:] .... Hens A. Verschuren carried on with the old firm under its original name. Today, his sons Henricus Anton (born 1925) and Theod. Franciscus (born 1931), manage the firm...]

"Ted's" roses were from 1956 to 2004 (or 2019?)
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