HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Seidl, William J.

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Rose and peony Breeder and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Manitowoc, Wisconsin
United States
William "Bill" Seidl (January 9, 1932 Manitowoc WI - October 8, 2016 Manitowoc WI) received in 2003 the A. P. Saunders Memorial Award from the American Peony Society for his contributions to peony breeding.

Solaris Farms writes: "ome years ago Bill placed his garden locator/log book on top of his car while visiting his growing lot. He drove home (with book on top of the car) and the book was lost in transit. This was an unfortunate event, since a great deal of the information about his cultivars and seedlings were lost. He recreated the book, but it was from memory and some observation. Seedling numbers and location was always a question mark for many of his older plants. Bill had no labels on his plants in the gardens, thus identification, after the loss of the original locator/log book, was difficult."
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