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Cousins, Lyman

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Rose and peony Breeder and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
London, Ontario
[From "The Peonies", by Myron Bigger, 1962, p.38:] "The only Canadian to make important contributions to peonies is Lyman W. Cousins of London, Ontario. He is a lithographer and photographer, interested in gardening and plant breeding for over forty years. His best known variety is Ann Cousins, introduced in 1946."

[From Peonies, by Allan Rogers, pp. 21-22:] Lyman Cousins (1889-1973) of Ontario, Canada... The Cousins hybrids were first exhibited at the American Peony Society's annual show in 1970, where their extraordinarily luminous new colors, including peach and salmon, earned them the name "inner glow" hybrids and captured the prestigious Saunders Memorial Medal. His stock was acquired by Klehm Nursery, which introduced many of his crosses.
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