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Müller, Dr. Franz Hermann
'Müller, Dr. Franz Hermann'  photo
Photo courtesy of scvirginia
Rose Breeder and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Sat Oct 2024
Weingarten, Rhineland-Palatinate 54340
[From] Dr. Hermann Müller (1828-1914)
According to Krüssmann, Dr. Hermann Müller was born in Zweibrucken and practiced in Weingarten in the Pfalz (near Schwegenheim, belonged to Bavaria in the era, now part of Rheinland-Pfalz). He retired from medicine around 1885, around the time he started hybridizing. His first great rose, 'Conrad Ferdinand Meyer,' was introduced by Jules Gravereaux and by Otto Froebel. (at p. 159)

Dr. Müller's collection and seedlings were bought by Jules Gravereaux in 1901/02 and introduced partly under the latter's name.

From Rosen-Zeitung, 1895, p. 22:] .... next summer there is the prospect of blooms of 70 Rugosa-hybrids, obtained from 20 different crossings, among them 18 mother plants of own cultivars ....Weingarten, February 1895. Dr. Müller

From Rosen-Zeitung, 1897, p. 36:] We will see at the Rose exhibition in Frankfurt the very interesting Persian Yellow crosses of Dr. Müller-Weingarten in bloom, possibly we will find among them a repeating Jaune bicolor! which we saw last autumn during a visit in Weingarten as buds with this parentage.

[From Rosen-Zeitung, 1901, Nr. 1, p. 1:] The Rosenzeitung ... has often reported in an appreciative manner about the varieties of our honored Mr. Dr Müller from Weingarten. Since 1891 we have seen the breeder's flowers and plants at individual rose exhibitions....Although the first seedlings had less floral value ...the colours of the blooms were beautiful, the form of the buds also, the foliage and wood of the seedlings were striking. On occasion of the exhibition in Darmstadt ...we visited his interesting rose-breeding garden. Among the many curious seedlings, which could be seen in partly large, older bushes, we selected 15 varieties which we think are valuable, in order to observe them further in Trier [at Lambert's nursery].

[From Rosen-Zeitung, 1903, Nr. 1, p. 5:] Dr. Müller...will certainly attain his goal of achieving varieties as hardy as possible, equal to Tea and Hybrid Perpetuals in fragrance and colour. This was proven by the seedlings he showed at the German rose exhibition in Trier. I like it especially that he does not commercialize anything half-finished. It is more honourable and more righteous to introduce few, but good novelties, rather than many, fro which 4/5 have to be discarded after 2 years as worthless. I like best his pink, magnificently fragrant, well double, totally hardy Rugosa-crossing Conrad Ferdinand Meyer ....

[From Rosen-Zeitung, 1905, p. 45:] The Rugosa crossings of Sr. Müller have mostly gone into the possession of Mr. J. Gravereaux-L'Hay. They will be possibly commercialized as French cultivars. The same fate seems to bloom for the Persian Yellow crossings.

[From Rosenzeitung, 1928, p. 107:] ...His crosses with the hardy Rosa rugosa resulted in the most beautiful successes. It is however typical that no one was ready to commercialize Dr. Müller's products; as a result, they went abroad to be introduced under foreign names...

[From Modern Roses II, p. 11:] Dr. Fr. Muller

[From Rosa Helvetica, 2000, p. 19:] ..Dr. Hermann Müller was the country doctor and amateur rose breeder in Weingarten. For him, an important breeding goal was hardiness, so that he bred with Rosa rugosa. Also 'Persian Yellow' and foetida 'Bicolor' were ideal for his crosses, as he wanted bright colours in addition to hardiness.

[From Rosenpersönlichkeiten, by Maria Mail-Brandt, 2018, p. 141] The French rose lover and breeder Gravereaux offered Müller to show 32 of his cultivars at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1902, which led to them being declared as French bred, as he also gave them French nams (e.g. 'Mme Ancelot', 'Georges Cain'). The most well-known was Müller's 'Les Rosati' which in fact is shown in "Les plus belles roses au début du XXe siècle" as a cultivar of L'Hay Les Roses from 1907....
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