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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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PIT President's International Trophy (Great Britain)
Plant Types:Roses 
Description:[From A Family of Roses, by Sam McGredy and Sean Jennett, p. 24:] Among the most important trials and awards in the British Isles are those of the Royal National Rose Society, whose trial-grounds are at St. Albans. A panel of twenty judges examines the roses there at intervals throughout the season from June to September over two or three successive years.

The President's International Trophy is awarded to the gold-medal winner that is considered worthy of the highest honour the society can bestow. In some years, as in 1962 and 1966, no rose is considered sufficiently good and no award of the trophy is made...

[From the Royal National Rose Society's 1996 handbook, Roses to Enjoy, p. 9:] PIT (President's International Trophy) for the best rose in the year's trials. 

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