'Ann Endt' rose Reviews & Comments
I received what looks like this rose in 1993 as r. foliolosa x r. rugosa. this indicated Vilmorins rose but that has a reference as remontant which my plant isn't. is 'Ann Endt' remontant?
In my garden (zone 9b, Mediterranean climate), 'Ann Endt' is convincingly recurrent. There's a reference saying that Vilmorin's rose was light yellowish-pink, so 'Ann Endt' is a different rose: glowing magenta/cherry.
Ann Endt is remontant. Very curious to know more about your plant Becky.
It is just like 'Ann Endt' in colour and prickles but it is not repeat flowering. It came from a nursery in south Devon which no longer exists. I am adding a photo under the R.foliolosa x Rosa rugosa description.
Thanks for that. Nancy Steen brought 'Ann Endt' back from Europe and I always wondered if Ann Endt was not in fact Vilmorin's R.foliolosa x Rosa rugosa...
Hi Jocelen, Has evidence arisen to counter Ken Nobbs in the 1978 reference?