'Agnes Barclay' rose Reviews & Comments
A rose listed as 'Agnes Barklay' is growing in the rose garden of Carrick Hill, 46 Carrick Hill Drive, Springfield, South Australia 5062. http://www.carrickhill.sa.gov.au/garden_views.html
Or possibly "A rose listed as 'Agnes Barclay' is growing at..." The found rose that was circulated under that name in the 1980s would do for the early descriptions, but not for the stated parentage (Tea x Tea-Noisette). Maybe it was one of the 15% of roses where the stated parentage is incorrect. An errant bee, perhaps. I'll attach photos of that rose (at Renmark) under its study name of "Upper Beaconsfield". I'll see if I can find the AB label at Carrick Hill during the next flush of flowers.
Oh, thank you, Margaret. Fools rush in … I'll change my post from "this rose" to "a rose". At the same time, I'm finding Not-Alister-Clark to be a very interesting breeder. Good to see you back in the saddle. I thought you might have been ploughing stony ground in Tasmania.
No, dancing in the rain in SA, with the bushfire risk decreasing.