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Discussion id : 166-905
most recent 6 MAY HIDE POSTS
Initial post 22 APR by Mger
I help maintain a Master Gardener Rose Garden. Some of our roses were donated twenty years ago, but without identification. I have one rose that maintains predominantly red canes but I have been unable to identify it. The plant habit is upright to 6 feet. Blooms are off red, with a shading of pink, about 5". Bloom form opens as high centered, but becomes irregular. I am looking for suggestions of possible identification.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 22 APR by Patricia Routley
Perhaps if you add some photos to your comment?
Reply #3 of 3 posted 5 MAY by Mger
Photo of rose in question added to post of 17 April.
Reply #4 of 3 posted 6 MAY by Nastarana
Would this be a private or public garden? If private, how much can you share about zone and climate?

Have you IDed any other of the donations? The photo looks like mid-20thC. Would there be any common traits among the other donations which might give a clue? For example, are most from American breeders, any particular decade?
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