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'Peace' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 105-476
most recent 11 JAN 21 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 SEP 17 by Give me caffeine
'Peace' has reverted to growing neither forwards nor backwards. Or, to be specific, doing both alternately, with overall progress being conspicuous by its absence. Still a small bush, often quite manky, but throws out proper 'Peace' flowers when it's in the mood.

The current one was only a hardware store body bag, on dog knows what rootstock. Could be on lantana for all I know.

I'm wondering if it would be worthwhile to source another one, on multiflora. Might do better.
Reply #1 of 6 posted 10 SEP 17 by Margaret Furness
The old grey mare, she ain't what she used to be... Peace is one of the roses which is said to have lost vigour, due to over-propagating. Your best bet is to grow it (or get someone to strike it for you) from a cutting from an old plant.
Reply #2 of 6 posted 10 SEP 17 by Patricia Routley
....from a vigorous old plant.
Reply #3 of 6 posted 11 SEP 17 by Give me caffeine
Yep. I was wondering if T4R had a good old plant as their scion stock.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 15 MAY 20 by mmanners
I just now posted this to Facebook, and I see it's relevant here: "As you likely know, there was a lot of discussion in the late 1980s and early '90s (and still to some degree today) about "genetic decline" of roses -- the idea that "overpropagation" had made plants weaker and less desirable than they had been when new. And Peace was given as a prime example -- it had lost its pinkness and become more just pale yellow, as well as becoming far less vigorous than people remembered. I always doubted the idea of the mechanism, in that the "overpropagation" theory made no biological sense. Yes, if you make millions of copies of a rose, you'll see mutations among them. But they won't ALL mutate in the SAME way, which is what the overall degeneration seemed to indicate. Another concept, less popularly believed, was that it was one or more viruses that might be causing the overall decline. Again, a challenging concept, in that the whole population would need to catch the same virus(es). Nevertheless, we did discover, early in our heat-therapy work, that some older roses really seemed to be rejuvenated by the process, whether or not they tested positive for any known viruses. And Peace was one of them -- the heat-treated form was far superior (and in the memories of those who knew Peace back in the 1940s and early '50s, back to its good old self). I remember Mel Hulse exclaiming that the heat-treated form was Peace as he remembered it. So it is my suspicion (for which I have no further evidence or proof) that one or more viruses may be involved in this thing we call decline, in older rose varieties. And if heat therapy or some other method used to remove viruses is used, it MAY rejuvenate the rose. Alternatively, there may be some form of "aging" that happens in some (but certainly not all -- think Autumn Damask) roses, that is controlled epigenetically, and perhaps heat therapy resets that clock in some way. Pure conjecture of course; but at least we do have good, vigorous, pink-tinged Peace!" And oops, realizing this has been discussed on other threads, here, in the past. But I was reminded of the topic this morning with our lots-of-pink Peace flowering in our garden.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 15 MAY 20 by Give me caffeine
This sounds all very groovy, but does anyone have such stock in Australia? I have a nasty suspicion the answer is currently "no".

The plant I had (since gone kaput) looked like a real 'Peace' when it was happy. It had the pink tones and the great foliage and was much as I remembered the ancient monster that grew where I lived several decades ago. The problem was that it couldn't hold onto its foliage in this climate, and couldn't get going enough to bulk up to a good sized shrub. It eventually gave up the ghost.
Reply #6 of 6 posted 11 JAN 21 by Daniel Alm
I don’t know about Oz, but in the USA, Star Roses is the direct distributor of Meilland Roses, with growing grounds in Wasco, California. Peace from Star Roses is the rejuvenated version and worth seeking out. Wasco is also the growing grounds for Weeks Roses and they also carry Peace — although I don’t know for sure if there is a difference. Anecdotally speaking, in the past few years I have noticed a higher quality of Peace roses in big box stores like Home Depot & Lowe’s, and have attributed this to the better budwood being passed around. Perhaps the Virus Indexed budwood of Peace from UC Davis is the provenance? In any case, it is now worth replacing a poorly performing specimen of Peace with a new plant and giving the iconic variety a second chance.

Caffeine: Who is the Meilland Roses wholesale distributer in Australia? I bet they would have the rejuvenated Peace.

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