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Thory, Claude-Antoine
'Thory, Claude-Antoine'  photo
Photo courtesy of scvirginia
Rose Author and Breeder  

Listing last updated on Fri Sep 2024
Claude Antoine Thory (May 26, 1759 Paris -1827), French botanist

[From Roses: An Illustrated Encyclopaedia..., by Peter Beales, p. 25:] Claude Antoine Thory, a botanist, who made the first serious attempt to sift the tangled genealogy of roses. Much of his work has been proved accurate and stands up, when tested, against the much more scientific methods employed today.

[From The Graham Stuart Thomas Rose Book, p. 9:] From 1817 to 1824 Redouté was producing his monumental work Les Roses, with text by Thory, and this really marks the beginning of our present appreciation of the rose.

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