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The Gardens at Witherspoon

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Rose (public) Garden  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Catalog: Printed and Online.   Newsletter available.
Witherspoon Rose Culture
3312 Watkins Road
Durham, North Carolina 27707
United States
USDA Zone: 7a (0 to 5 F / -17.7 to -15.0 C)
1-800-643-0315  [Information]
The Gardens at Witherspoon is an All-America Rose Selections Accredited Public Rose Garden. The public rose garden has received a Certificate of Achievement from the ARS for Outstanding Rose Garden Maintenance every year since 1999. Our display garden has over 2000 rose bushes and is open to the public year round. Tours of the garden are available upon request and numerous North Carolina garden clubs and other groups, recently including the National Rose Society, take advantage of this opportunity every year.
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