Róże Macieja (Maciej's roses) - ogród kolekcjonerski
Photo courtesy of Maciej Lewandowski
Rose (member)
Listing last updated on Fri Jan 2025
Poznań, Wielkopolska Poland
USDA Zone: 6b (-5 to 0 F / -20.5 - 17.8 C)
Welcome to my garden, which turned out to be dominated by roses. Over the years of collecting successive varieties, it also turned out that my garden is a test garden for many varieties. Poznań (Poland), because I live here, is a specific place, because I am almost not affected by frost resistance (theoretically zone 6b and currently it is even written as 7a), but I am affected by the Saharan heat and droughts. At the moment, the collection is growing in terms of resistance to the last two factors. Thanks to the relatively low frosts, I can also afford varieties that, in principle, are not suitable for Polish conditions and the second direction of the collection are varieties from zone 7a and warmer.