Photo courtesy of zazarose
Rose (member) Garden
Listing last updated on Sat Jan 2025
Just began collecting old garden and rare roses. The roses I have are as follows: 1]. Malmaison Cl. 2] Mme. E. Souffrain 3] Ashermittonwoch Kordes . Also known by the name Ash Wednesday Rose. 4] Reve d Or 5]. Anna Oliver 6]. Etoile De Lyon 7] Gloire D Dijon 8]. Kaiserine Frederich
I am on waiting lists for many roses. Buying these roses requires an investment of money. Rose's in particular I wish to acquire are: 1].Gruss an Coburg 2]. Mlle. Franziska Kruger 3].Aloha 4]. Alchymist 5]. Leverkusem 6]. Andenken an Alma de IAigle