HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
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7G Heavenly Estates

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Rose, peony and clematis (member) Garden  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
United States
Easy Does It Harkness 7.85
Tequila Meilland 7.9
Bonica Meilland 8
Knock Out Radler 8
Rainbow Knock Out Radler 8
Summer Sun Kordes 8
Apricot Drift Meilland 8.1
Pink Knock Out Radler 8.1
All the Rage Lim 8.15
Thérèse Bugnet Bugnet 8.15
Julia Child Carruth 8.35
Coral Drift Meilland 8.4
Eternal Flame Meilland 8.4
Bolero 2004 Meilland 8.5
Cherry Parfait Meilland 8.5
Oso Easy Cherry Pie Meilland 8.5
Sunny Knock Out Radler 8.5
Purple Rain Kordes 8.65
Traviata Meilland 8.65
White Out Radler 8.65
Pink Drift Meilland 8.75
Peach Drift Meilland 9
Pink Double Knock Out Radler 9
Double Knock Out Radler 9.1
Easter Basket Meilland 9.25
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