HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Rose (member) Garden  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Wamego, Kansas
United States
USDA Zone: 5b (-15 to -10 F / -26.1 - 23.4 C)
We live on 3 acres and we are working (slowly) on putting in garden areas. I'm a landscapers nightmare as I'm more of a specimen collector and seldom use masses of anything. The garden also contains a few clematis, daylilies, irises and various perennials.

Aside from the roses, my favorite plants include Le Petit Bleu Caryopteris, Lorraine Sunshine heliopsis, heartleaf brunnera, Annabelle hydrangea, Little Lamb hydrangea, Summerwine Ninebark and Baptisia. I also like the long bloom period of helenium, perennial verbena and coneflowers.
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