"Penrose" / 'Indian Summer' Spring, Perth, Western Australia "Color.—As the bud opens it becomes lighter in color and the bi-color effect becomes evident. The Inner surface of the petals of the opened flower Is Buff Yellow (Plate IV) with n suffusion of Vinaceous-Pink (Plate XXVIII). The outer surface contains a range of colors from Jasper Pink (Plate XIII), through light Jasper Red (Plate (XIII) and Old Rose (Plate XIII), with occasional touches of Spinel Pink (Plate XXVI). The base of all the petals is Light Cadmium (Plate IV), which is evident in larger quantity on the inner surface. The inner petals frequently remain folded in such a way as to display the color of the outer surface in contrast with the color of the inner surface. " from F. Howard's description in his patent application. (the colours and plates cited are from Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature.)
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"Penrose" / 'Indian Summer'
Spring, Perth, Western Australia
"Color.—As the bud opens it becomes lighter in color and the bi-color effect becomes evident. The Inner surface of the petals of the opened flower Is Buff Yellow (Plate IV) with n suffusion of Vinaceous-Pink (Plate XXVIII). The outer surface contains a range of colors from Jasper Pink (Plate XIII), through light Jasper Red (Plate (XIII) and Old Rose (Plate XIII), with occasional touches of Spinel Pink (Plate XXVI). The base of all the petals is Light Cadmium (Plate IV), which is evident in larger quantity on the inner surface. The inner petals frequently remain folded in such a way as to display the color of the outer surface in contrast with the color of the inner surface. "
from F. Howard's description in his patent application.
(the colours and plates cited are from Ridgway's Color Standards and Nomenclature.)