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'Silmakivi' clematis Description
'Silmakivi' clematis photo
Photo courtesy of Greg2213
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
4 favorite votes.  
Discovered by Aili Kivistik (Estonia, 1985). Discovered by Uno Kivistik (Estonia, 1985).
Early Large Flowered, Group 2.  
Blue, light blue streaks, light yellow anthers.  4 to 6 petals.  Average diameter 7".  Large, single bloom form.  Early summer to early autumn.  

Height: 4'11" to 6'7" (150 to 200cm).  
United States - Patent No: PP 22,921  on  7 Aug 2012   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application No: 12/932,139  on  17 Feb 2011
In 1982 the inventor, Aili Kivistik a citizen of Estonia, organized a group of unnamed, unpatented Clematis jackmanii varieties for an open pollination breeding project. Seeds originating from this crossing were planted out, and the new variety was selected in 1985. Specific parents of the new variety are unknown, as the seed was bulk collected, without noting the variety collected from. All work was conducted at a non-commercial nursery in Roogoja, Estonia.
Parentage in recent patent deviates from earlier statements. The breeding program was led by Uno Kivistik unti his death in 1998.
Silmakivi = Eyelid