'Caramba' rose Description
Photo courtesy of SandyinWI
Medium red Shrub. Registration name: TANabamar
Red. Mild fragrance. 20 petals. Average diameter 2.75". Large, high-centered bloom form.
Height: 2' (60cm). Width: 32" (80cm).
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default). Can be used for ground cover. Disease susceptibility: very disease resistant.
United States - Patent No: PP 13,396 on 24 Dec 2002 VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 20020078479 on 20 Dec 2000 Rose plant named 'Tanabamar'
Hans-Jurgen Evers, Uetersen, Germany
... a shrub-like rose plant having a flat bushy growth habit... The long stem flowers are large... a pleasant fragrance... The plant exhibits good hardiness and resistance to most diseases... discovered in 1992 by the breeder in Ueterson, Germany in a controlled breeding program... The female parent is a bi-colored F1 numbered variety from the breeder's private collection which is maintained proprietary by the assignee [Rosen-Tantau]. The male is also a numbered variety from this collection and is a red groundcover... Disease resistance: Very good... Hardiness: Very good... Flower: Approximately 7 cm... High-centered... Petals: Approximately 20... Blooming period: In two flushes..