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'Morden Snowbeauty' rose Description
'Morden Snowbeauty' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Anna NV Uppsala
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
28 favorite votes.  
Average rating: EXCELLENT-.  
White, near white or white blend Shrub.
Registration name: Morden Snowbeauty
Bred by Lynn M. Collicutt (Canada, 1984).
Introduced in Canada by Agriculture Canada, Morden, Manitoba in circa 2001 as 'Morden Snowbeauty'.
Shrub.   (Series: Parkland Series Collection)  
White or white blend.  Mild fragrance.  8 to 14 petals.  Semi-double to double, cluster-flowered, in small clusters bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  
Short, compact.  Medium, semi-glossy, medium green foliage.  

Height: 33" to 3' (85 to 90cm).  Width: 4' (120cm).
USDA zone 2b and warmer.  Can be used for beds and borders or container rose.  Very hardy.  Disease susceptibility: very disease resistant.  
United States - Patent No: PP 11,730  on  2 Jan 2001   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application No: 09/217,821  on  22 Dec 1998
The `Adelaide Hoodless` variety was crossed with Rosa arkansana Porter to obtain an offspring that was crossed with the `Mount Shasta` variety. This cross produced a parent used in the creation of the new variety. The other parent of the new variety was formed by the crossing of the `Prairie Princess` variety and the `Morden Amorette` variety. None of the plants used to create the new variety have been patented in the United States. The `Prairie Princess` variety is a shrub rose (Rosa sp.) developed by G. Buck in 1972 and the `Mount Shasta` variety is grandiflora rose (Rosa sp.) developed by Swim and Weeks during 1963.
In September 1998, the Montreal Botanical Garden (Le Jardin Botanique de Montreal) carried out a survey of its roses' resistance to black spot, powdery mildew and rust. This is one of the outstanding varieties which showed a 0% to 5% infection rate. The data were taken on well-established roses.