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Nieuwesteeg Rose Nursery Pty Ltd

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Rose   Owned by John Nieuwesteeg.  

Listing last updated on Thu Sep 2024
Catalog: Printed.
4 Tarrawarra Road
Coldstream, Victoria
+61 (0)3 9739 1175  [Information]
+61 (0)3 9739 0094  [Fax]
+61 (0)3 9739 1175  [Ordering]
Rose Specialist. Catalogue includes New Release, Bush, Climbing, David Austin (English), Alister Clark (Australian), Standard, Weeping, Shrub, Species and Old World roses.

Licensed grower of David Austin (English) Roses.

Ornamental Plant Conservation Association of Australia (OPCA) - Alister Clark (Australian) Roses.

[From Botanica's Roses, p. 330:] Australian rose grower and nurseryman John Nieuwesteeg

[From A Hillside of Roses, by Susan Irvine, p. 123:] Nieuwesteeg Rose Nursery, 4 Tarrawarra Road, Coldstream, Victoria 3770, Australia
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