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Charles-Félix Verdier

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Rose (retail) Nursery  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
rue Duméril, 12
Charles Verdier (1821-1893) son and successor of Victor Verdier

[From L'Horticulteur français, 1867, p. 48] M. Charles Verdier fils, successeur de Vict. Verdier père, rue Duméril, 12, Paris...

[From Le Nord-est agricole et horticole, August 15, 1878, p. 242:] Charles Verdier (2e survivant des 12 enfants de Victor Verdier)

[From The Old Rose Advisor, by Brent C. Dickerson, p. 180: 'Mme. Charles Verdier' is] dedicated to the wife of Mons Charles Verdier, horticulturalist of Ivry-sur-Seine... Charles-Félix Verdier, who died, at his home at Ivry-sur-Seine, August 18 [1893], at the age of 64.
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