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Rose and peony  

Listing last updated on Thu Sep 2024
Roeyghem-Lez-Gand, Flemish Region
Alexandre-Jacques Verschaffelt (1801-1850), Belgian horticulturist
Ambroise Colette Alexandre Verschaffelt (December 11, 1825 - 1886), his son

[From L'Horticulture belge, January 1836, p. 73:] M. Verschaffelt, père, jardinier-fleuriste, à Gand.

[From Annales de la Société royale d'Horticulture de Paris, Vol. 26, February 1840, p. 143:] VERSCHAFFELT (Alexandre), horticulteur, rue du Chaume, 20, à Gand (Belgique).

[From Gartenflora, 1853, p.64:] "Mr. Paul Robichon, earlier the head of the department for rose culture in the Etablissement Van Houtte in Gent, has married Madame Verschaffelt, and is thus now the head of the famous nursery of Louis Verschaffelt in Roeyghem-Lez-Gand in Belgium."

[From Gartenflora 1898, p. 175:] In 1870, Jean Jules Linden purchased the nursery of Ambroise Verschaffelt in Ghent...

[From wikipedia :]  Ambroise sold his business to Jean Linden (1817–1899) in 1869, together with "L'Illustration Horticole".
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