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Philipp von Siebold

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Rose, peony and clematis (closed, reference only) Nursery  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Philipp Franz Balthasar von Siebold (February 17, 1796 Würzburg - October 18, 1866), German physician, introduced Western medicine to Japan and provided the West with accounts of Japan. Von Siebold was also the editor of the Fauna Japonica. He lived in Japan 1823-29 and 1859-62.
[From The Book of Tree Peonies, by Gian Lupo Osti, p. 21:] the first significant importations [of tree peonies] from Japan were in 1844, when P.F. von Siebold shipped to the Krelage nursery in Holland forty-two varieties... only a few of these have survived...
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