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C. Gregory & Son Ltd.
'C. Gregory & Son Ltd.'  photo
Photo courtesy of Cambridgelad
Rose (closed, reference only) Nursery  

Listing last updated on Fri Dec 2024
The Rose Gardens
Toton Lane
Stapleford, Nottinghamshire PE12 6 HY
United Kingdom
Founded 1897 by Charles Gregory (1867-1940) in Chillwell, Notts. He was succeeded by his son Charles Walter Gregory (1908 - October 22, 1980). The nursery was at Stapleford from 1969 onwards until closing ca. 1989. See also under Breeders.

[From The Gardeners' Chronicle, 1926, p. 318:] C. GREGORY , Old Close Nurseries , Chilwell

1950 The Rose Annual
p124. Round the Nurseries.
C. W. Gregory: C. Gregory and Son Ltd., Chilwell, Nottingham.
In 1897 the late Chas. Gregory took over the tenancy of Old Close Nursery, Chilwell, where today general nursery stock is grown and the office is situated. But, when in 1919, he decided to specialise in the growing of Roses, he procured some 30 acres of land on Toton Lane, Stapleford, where his roses flouished and the foundation stone of the present firm’s activities in roses was laid......highest standards of cultivation and only the best will satisfy foreman Bill Pears......under his experienced eye, the stamina of “Chilwell Mark” Roses is maintained.
Photo: C. W. Gregory.

[From "The Countryman", 1966, p. 221] C . Gregory & Son Ltd . , Rose Gardens , Chilwell , Nottingham

[From The Gardeners' Chronicle, 1969, p. 41:] C . GREGORY & SON LTD . ... Rose Gardens , Stapleford , Nottingham

[From The Complete Book of Roses, by Gerd Krüssmann, 1981, p. 155:] Gregory, C. & Son, Chilwell, Nottingham, England. 'Apricot Silk', 'Wendy Cussons'; but principally a leader in distributing new varieties.

[From Proceedings of the Royal Horticultural Society, 1988, p. 12:] Silver Flora Medal Tp Gregory's Roses, The Rose gardens, Toton, Nottingham, for an exhibit of roses.

[From Miniature Roses: Their Care and Cultivation, by Sean McCann, 1991, p. 14: In the UK,] only one company, Gregory's of Nottingham, made miniatures a large part of its production, and it dealt mainly with roses originated in California by Ralph Moore.

[From Modern Roses 10, 1993, p. 714:] Gregory, C. & Son, Ltd., The Rose Gardens, Stapleford, Nottingham, England NG9 7JA.
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