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Rugosa Roses
[From Rosa Rugosa, by Suzanne Verrier, from the Foreword by Henry Mitchell,p. ix:] No perfume of any kind surpasses the scent of some rugosa roses... and even those that are less powerfully fragrant... are still far sweeter than most flowers... the wrinkled leaves of this group of roses are ornamental and for the most part healthy, and the plants have the exceptional merit of being more at home in the North than the South... Some of the rugosas, not all, bloom off and on through the summer and early fall. In general they never get mildew and rarely blackspot, and if they do, it does not affect their abundant flowering.

[Ibid, p. xi:] Historically, this group has contributed to some of the most prestigious modern rose breeding programs. R. rugosa is a strong and prolific parent. From Germany, Kordes' R. kordesii (derived from rugosa stock) is one of the most important parents in the realm of hardy roses. England's David Austin has used rugosa hybrids in the breeding of some of his popular English roses. The Canadian Explorer series developed by Felicitas Svedja relies heavily upon the hardy rugosas. In the past few decades, more noteworthy rugosas have originated in Canada than in any other part of the world... the Far East [is] the original home of R. rugosa where it has been cultivated for nearly a millenium.

[From The Charm of Old Roses, by Nancy Steen, pp. 232-3:] Rugosa Roses generally retain the magenta tones of the original types, with the exception of a few white forms, and one or two pale pink ones.

[From Roses for English Gardens, by Gertrude Jekyll, p. 24:] The great hardiness of the rugosas, enables them to be used in exposed places where many kinds of Roses would be crippled or would perish. Their strong, bushy growth and somewhat ferocious armature of prickles fits them above all other Roses for use as hedges, and not hedges of ornament only, but effective hedges of enclosure and defence.

[From Peter Schneider on Roses, by Peter Schneider, pp. 148-9:] The essential rugosa characteristics are winter hardiness, disease resistance and wrinkled leaves... remontancy... quick to naturalize and noted for their suitability in seaside gardens. While rugosas may be tough enough to stand up to the salt in sea spray, they cannot take modern chemicals... Rugosas produce large, attractive, tomatolike rose hips...

[From The Rose Garden, by William Paul, p. 275:] not only do they yield large handsome flowers in Summer and Autumn, but the beauty of the fruit at the latter season is very attractive... It is invaluable for rough places, and thrives well where other Roses will scarcely exist. I have seen it growing well in poor sandy soil close to the sea.

[From Roses of America, by Stephen Scanniello, p. 52:] The new canes they send up from the base every year produce the next year's flowers.

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