Member Ratings of Clematis and Garden photos
Representation of Plant
21 favorite votes.
Representation of Plant: EXCELLENT (5 votes). |
View of my house with roses taken July 2008. Roses to be seen in photo are: Santana, Sympathie, Dirigent, Felicia,Rosenresli, Louise Odier, Charles Austin, Coral Dawn and perhaps some of F.J. Grootendorst ,Hansa and Blaze Superior to the far left.The Fairies by the entrance are not in bloom yet.
10 favorite votes.
Representation of Plant: EXCELLENT (3 votes). |
7 favorite votes.
Representation of Plant: EXCELLENT (3 votes). |
1 favorite vote.
Representation of Plant: EXCELLENT (3 votes). |
Part of my garden as seen in July 2009. The clematis is Etoile Violette. Roses to be seen are : Felicite et Perpetue, Burghausen, Alberic Barbier, Urdh, Leverkusen and Purity. The light pink rose in the middle of the clematis Etoile Violette was bought as Gloire de Dijon which it is not. The flowers sometimes are very big. It may be Breeze Hill, although the flowers of my rose are more loosely filled. It has a rather upright growth and the foilage looks a bit like that of Gloire de Dijon. There has never been any repeat flowering. Every other season there have been no flowers at all. If anyone out there should have a clue, I would be happy to know.
1 favorite vote.
Representation of Plant: EXCELLENT (3 votes). |
May 2009
7 favorite votes.
Representation of Plant: EXCELLENT (3 votes). |
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